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... ( Cuculus canorus , Linn . ) . Gżegżołka szarego a rabego piora , M. Pt . Cuculus ( Kukułka , kukawka , gzegzołka ) Rzącz . Cuculus canorus ( Kukułka pospolita ) Kluk . Cuculus canorus ( Kukułka pospolita ) Jundz . Cuculus canorus ...
cuculus canorus z books.google.com
... Cuculus canorus " kukushki " ( esophagus ) Tsimbaliuk , A. K .; et al . , 1968 , Gel'mint . Zhivot . Tikhogo Okeana ( Skriabin ) , 129-152 Skrjabinocerca prima : Bering Island Cuculus canorus gularis Tandan , B. K. , 1971 ?, Final Tech ...
cuculus canorus z books.google.com
... Cuculus canorus Non-mimetic eggs (colour and spotting pattern) differing in shape are rejected at different frequencies Zölei et al. (2012) Cuculus canorus Differences in egg size between host and parasitic eggs are not important in egg ...
cuculus canorus z books.google.com
Robert B. Payne. Cuculus solitarius South Africa UWBM 52799 T √ √ Cuculus solitarius Zambia UMMZ, feather only F —2 ... canorus subtelephonus China, Xinjiang CAS 98001 M √ √ Cuculus canorus canorus UK UMMZ, ex Univ. East Anglia T ...
cuculus canorus z books.google.com
... Cuculus asturinus Brüggemann , Abh . Ver . Bremen , vol . v . p . 101 , 1876 . Distr . - Malayan Peninsula , Celebes ... canorus Linné . Nicoclarius Bonaparte , Ateneo Italian . vol . ii . no . 8 , p . 121 ( Consp . Volucrum Zygod . p . 6 ) , ...
cuculus canorus z books.google.com
... Cuculus Lin . △ Pt . Re - Chotom - En- cykl - Jar - Gór - St . Wileń - Knap - Ld . - Kukawka . Cuculus canorus Lin . ○ Dzied 2 ZONow- Sylwan XVII - ERTacs— Widok nazwisk ( posp . ) - J Gors . Kukawka . Musca cucularia . △ KI . A ...
cuculus canorus z books.google.com
... CUCULUS Linn . Cuculus Linnæus , Syst . Nat . 10th ed . p . 110 , 1758. Type by Linnean tautonymy , Cuculus canorus Linn . Cuculus canorus . Distr . - The Palæarctic , Indian , and Ethiopian regions . Cuculus canorus canorus Linn ...