Wyświetlam wyniki dla cucumis sativus
Zamiast tego wyszukaj cucumis_sativus
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Taxonomic history; Morphology; Biosystematic data; Materials and methods; Taxonomy; Literature Cited.
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This edited book presents the latest research on cucumber, its genetic resources and diversity, tissue culture and genetic transformation, mapping of economic genes and QTLs, whole genome sequencing, comparative genomics, and breeding ...
cucumis sativus z books.google.com
Cucumbers and gherkins are a group of cucurbitaceous vegetables that are mainly used as salad vegetables.
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This book provides information on the plant’s origins, biology, and breeding as well as research on its economic value, utilization, cultivation, and therapeutic benefits.
cucumis sativus z books.google.com
Cucumbers and gherkins are a group of cucurbitaceous vegetables that are mainly used as salad vegetables.