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"Another state recognizes claims of "prima facie tort" for wrongs that do notfit into traditional tort categories.And these are only a few examples of the more significant differences.The new 2013 Edition of Business Torts: A Fifty-State ...
czyn karalny z books.google.com
This book is essential for anyone interested in civil liberties and the processes of government as well as students of criminal justice and constitutional law.
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And these are only a few examples of the more significant differences.
czyn karalny z books.google.com
This thought-provoking text is essential reading for anyone interested in contemporary law, politics, and social justice.
czyn karalny z books.google.com
Could the police have prevented the conflict, been better prepared, reacted more quickly? Could they have acted more forcefully or brought the altercation under control more effectively? Based upon real case studies of events from all
czyn karalny z books.google.com
Strict enforcement of unreasonable contracts can produce outrageous consequences. Courts of justice should have the means of avoiding them.