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Christina D’Arrigo, tancerka i certyfikowana nauczycielka jogi, sięga zarówno do tradycji jogi, jak i wiedzy medycznej, aby pokazać ci optymalną drogę do poprawy kondycji twoich mięśni dna miednicy.
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Say goodbye to a weak bladder, incontinence, orgasm problems, back complaints etc. Tigerfeeling gives men and women natural power and grace to last a lifetime.
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This book should provide therapists with treatment ideas and encourage patients to ask for help. It focuses on exercises and discusses other treatment options.
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Key highlights: Clinical pearls that aid therapists in their evaluation of pelvic floor disorders Anatomical and physiological content as well as definitions of essential terminology Easy-to-follow exercise routines that focus on activating ...
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With its thorough coverage, this highly practical text is essential reading for all health care professionals who wish to provide their patients suffering from disorders of the pelvic floor with the best care available.