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  1. Gramme Dynamo – 1871 - Magnet Academy - National …

    WebZenobe Theophile Gramme (1826 – 1901) invented the first industrial generator, or dynamo. A deceptively simple-looking machine, it consisted of 30 coils wrapped around a spinning ring of iron. Although not the first …

  2. Zénobe-Théophile Gramme | Inventor, Dynamo, Alternator

  3. Zénobe-Théophile Gramme - Engineering and …

    WebFeb 19, 2020 · Gramme Motor in Mine. Zénobe Gramme was born in 1826 in Belgium, and invented a direct-current dynamo. It generated higher voltages and was one of the earliest to be used commercially. Gramme …

  4. Gramme machine - Wikipedia

  5. Zenobe Theophile Gramme - National Inventors Hall of Fame

  6. Zénobe Théophile Gramme |

  7. Zenobe-theophile Gramme |

  8. Belgian Innovator: Zénobe Gramme and the Electrifying Revolution

  9. Zénobe T. Gramme | People | The Collection of Historical Scientific ...