Bing found the following results
  1. Acetic acid - Wikipedia

  2. Acetic Acid | CH3COOH | CID 176 - PubChem

  3. Acetic acid | Definition, Formula, Uses, & Facts | Britannica

  4. Acetic Acid (CH3COOH)- Structure, Properties, Preparation, …

  5. Acetic acid - NIST Chemistry WebBook

  6. Why is the chemical formula for vinegar CH3COOH what it is?

  7. Acetic acid - NIST Chemistry WebBook

  8. Ethanoic Acid - Properties, Structure, Uses, Reactions and FAQs of ...

  9. CH3COOH Lewis Structure (Acetic acid) - YouTube

  10. 4.3: Acid-base reactions - Chemistry LibreTexts