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  1. Zenitalna liczba godzinna (ang. zenithal hourly rate, ZHR) – liczba meteorów, jaką może zaobserwować na bezchmurnym niebie pojedynczy obserwator podczas jednej godziny przy widoczności granicznej LM = 6,5 mag i radiancie roju meteorów w zenicie.

  2. In astronomy, the zenithal hourly rate ( ZHR) of a meteor shower is the number of meteors a single observer would see in an hour of peak activity if the radiant was at the zenith, assuming the seeing conditions are perfect [1] (when and where stars with apparent magnitudes up to 6.5 are visible to the naked eye [2] ).

  3. Zenitalna liczba godzinna (ang. zenithal hourly rate, ZHR) – liczba meteorów, jaką może zaobserwować na bezchmurnym niebie pojedynczy obserwator podczas jednej godziny przy widoczności granicznej LM = 6,5 mag i radiancie roju meteorów w zenicie [1].

  4. 24 wrz 2023 · Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR) is a crucial metric for meteor shower observation and analysis. It is defined as the theoretical number of meteors an observer would see per hour under ideal conditions, with the radiant (point of origin) of the meteor shower directly overhead (at the zenith).

  5. Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR) A measurement of the number of meteors that an observer at a dark site would see during the course of an hour if the meteor shower radiant was positioned directly overhead.

  6. 6 sty 2024 · The Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR) represents the hypothetical maximum number of meteors an observer could see per hour under perfect conditions—when the radiant point of a meteor shower is directly overhead and the sky is completely dark. It serves as a standard for comparing the intensity of different meteor showers.

  7. Overview. zenithal hourly rate. Quick Reference. An index of the activity of a meteor shower. The ZHR gives the activity in meteors per hour which would be expected by an experienced visual observer under a perfectly clear sky (limiting magnitude +6.5) with the radiant overhead.