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  1. Zhang Zhongjing (Chinese: 張仲景; 150–219), formal name Zhang Ji (張機), was a Chinese pharmacologist, physician, inventor, and writer of the Eastern Han dynasty and one of the most eminent Chinese physicians during the later years of the Han dynasty.

  2. 1 sty 2022 · Zhang Zhong Jing. patrón de seis etapas. daño por frío. Shang Han Lun. Introduction. It is essential to narrate about Zhang Zhong Jing (150–219 A.D.), also referred to as the “Medical Sage”, and his magnific work on «Shang Han Lun», before addressing the subject on the six-stages pattern of cryopathology in «Shang Han Lun».

  3. 27 maj 2023 · Jing Fang jest to metoda terapii ziołowej wchodzącej w skład zabiegów leczniczych stosowanych w medycynie chińskiej, która wykorzystuje w praktyce wzory formuł opisane w klasycznych tekstach medycznych Zhang Zhong Jinga (150–219 r n.e) z dynastii Han: Shang Han Lun i Jin Gui Yao Lue.

  4. 1 lut 2024 · Zbrodnia Zhanga i Ye wywołała falę szoku w całych Chinach ze względu na premedytację, a także wiek ofiar. Informacja o ich egzekucji szybko znalazła się w środę na szczycie listy popularnych...

  5. 17 paź 2014 · October 17, 2014. Zhang Zhongjing ( 张仲景) lived from AD150—219 and was a Han Dynasty physician. He is one of the most eminent Chinese physicians and is often referred to as the Chinese Hippocrates. Zhang Zhongjing established medication principles and summed up the medicinal experience up until that time, thus making a great contribution ...

  6. Zhang Zhongjing (born c. 150 ce —died c. 219) Chinese physician who wrote in the early 3rd century ce a work titled Shang han za bing lun (Treatise on Febrile and Other Diseases), which greatly influenced the practice of traditional Chinese medicine.

  7. The Chinese physician and medical author Zhang Ji (ca. 150–220), also known as Zhang Zhongjing, was born in the Nanyang commandery (in modern Henan). As stated in the preface to his main work, he was prompted to study medicine and collect prescriptions by the spread of epidemic diseases which caused the death of several members of his own clan.