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  1. Ziphius cavirostris: G. Cuvier, 1823: Osobnik wyrzucony na brzeg w Nowej Fundlandii. Porównanie wielkości zyfii gęsiogłowej z człowiekiem rozumnym (Homo sapiens) Systematyka: Domena: eukarionty. Królestwo: zwierzęta. Typ: strunowce. Podtyp kręgowce. Gromada: ssaki. Nadrząd kopytne. Rząd: parzystokopytne. Podrząd Whippomorpha ...

  2. The Cuvier's beaked whale, goose-beaked whale, or ziphius ( Ziphius cavirostris) is the most widely distributed of all beaked whales in the family Ziphiidae. [7] . It is smaller than most baleen whales yet large among beaked whales. Cuvier's beaked whale is pelagic, inhabiting waters deeper than 300 m (1,000 ft).

  3. Ziphius cavirostris to jedyny gatunek wielorybów z dziobemGatunek został wpisany do Appendix II – CITES (gatunki, które niekoniecznie są zagrożone wyginięciem, ale mogą się nimi stać), oraz ONZ uwzględniło Ziphius cavirostris w konwencji o ochronie środowiska morskiego i regionu przybrzeżnego Morza Śródziemnego w 2009 r.

  4. - Ziphius cavi­rostris - is a medium-sized whale with an av­er­age body length of 6.4 me­ters. The fe­male is usu­ally a lit­tle larger and can be up to 7 me­ters long. Calves are 2.1 me­ters at birth. - Z. cavi­rostris - has a spin­dle shaped body that is a lit­tle stouter than other ziphi­ids.

  5. 1 sty 2016 · Abstract. Cuvier's beaked whale ( Ziphius cavirostris G. Cuvier, 1823) is the only beaked whale species commonly found in the Mediterranean Sea. Until recently, species presence in this area was only inferred from stranding events.

  6. 23 lut 2024 · The Cuvier's beaked whale, Ziphius cavirostris, is a cosmopolitan species and the only beaked whale species commonly found in the Mediterranean Sea. Five strandings of Cuvier's beaked whale were reported along the Aegean/Mediterranean Seas coasts of Türkiye and northern coast of Cyprus in 2016–2017.

  7. Cuvier’s beaked whales, Ziphius cavirostris (G. Cuvier, 1823), aka goose-beaked whales, get their genus name from the Greek word xiphos, which means “sword;” the species name comes from the Latin words cavus and rostrum which mean “hollow” and “beak” respectively.