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  1. Strona internetowa. ZooKeys – recenzowane czasopismo naukowe publikujące prace naukowe z dziedziny zoologii na zasadach wolnej licencji. Wszystkie treści w czasopiśmie publikowane są na licencji Creative Commons w wersji 4.0 z uznaniem autorstwa (CC-BY-4.0).

  2. › issuesIssues - ZooKeys

    ZooKeys is a peer-reviewed, open access, online and print, rapidly published journal, launched to support free exchange of ideas, data and information in all branches of Zoology. It is one of the most dynamic, innovative and technologically advanced scholarly journals in its field. Zookeys was the first to implement semantic tagging and enhancements of content since the publication of its ...

  3. › articlesArticles - ZooKeys

    ZooKeys is a peer-reviewed, open access, online and print, rapidly published journal, launched to support free exchange of ideas, data and information in all branches of Zoology. It is one of the most dynamic, innovative and technologically advanced scholarly journals in its field.

  4. › aboutAbout - ZooKeys

    ZooKeys is a peer-reviewed, open access, online and print, rapidly published journal, launched to support free exchange of ideas, data and information in all branches of Zoology. It is one of the most dynamic, innovative and technologically advanced scholarly journals in its field.

  5. › wiki › ZooKeysZooKeys - Wikipedia

    ZooKeys is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering zoological taxonomy, phylogeny, and biogeography. It was established in 2008 and the founding editor-in-chief was Terry Erwin ( Smithsonian Institution) until his death in 2020. [2]

  6. 18 mar 2022 · Naukowcy nazwali ten nowy gatunek Cirrhilabrus finifenmaa. Co ciekawe, zwierzę zaobserwowano już w latach 90, ale wówczas uznano, że to Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis. Nic dziwnego, obydwa gatunki są bowiem do siebie bardzo podobne. To jednak za mało, żeby dokładnie sklasyfikować danego osobnika, a lata temu nie przeprowadzono odpowiednich ...

  7. › journals › zookeysJournalGuide - ZooKeys

    ZooKeys. Aims and scope. ZooKeys is a peer-reviewed, open-access, rapidly disseminated journal launched to accelerate research and free information exchange in taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography and evolution of animals.