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  1. Zonama Sekot to żywa planeta, nasienie pradawnej ojczyzny Yuuzhan Vongów - Yuuzhan'tara. Potrafiła przemieszczać się poprzez przestrzeń kosmiczną. Zonama to nazwa globu, zaś określenie Sekot przysługuje jej inteligentnemu umysłowi. Zonama Sekot pochodziła z galaktyki Yuuzhan Vongów.

  2. Zonama Sekot was the seed of the original Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar, which had been destroyed during the Cremlevian War. Zonama Sekot's first settlers were black-haired humanoid Ferroan colonists and red-skinned Langhesi colonists, and the living world was ruled by Magisters.

  3. Zonama Sekot was an astronomical object located in the Unknown Regions in grid square F-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid. It was situated in an otherwise empty and unexplored area in the neighborhood of the planets Ahch-To and Rakata Prime, westward of the desert world Jakku, which was located...

  4. Wyprawa na Zonamę Sekot dobiega końca. Jedi na czele z Lukiem Skywalkerem ostatecznie udaje się odnaleźć legendarną planetę atakowaną właśnie przez flotę Yuuzhan Vong. Jedi zostają poddani przez Sekot próbie. Planeta chce poznać prawdziwe zamiary przybyszów, którzy ilekroć pojawiali się na jej powierzchni, sprowadzali ze sobą wojnę i cierpienie.

  5. Zonama Sekot (Ferroan for "World of Body and Mind") was a living, sentient world capable of traveling through space. Zonama was the planet itself, while Sekot was the living intelligence of Zonama. It was also the seed of the original Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar, which had been destroyed...

  6. 12 sie 2021 · 140. 2.6K views 2 years ago #starwars #jabitha #hyperspacedatabase. ...more. Discover the origins and secret lore behind the Jabitha and Zonama Sekot the living planet, on this episode of the...

  7. The Zonama Sekot system was situated in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. It was where the living world Zonama Sekot resided in 137 ABY, during the Second Imperial Civil War. This location was situated in the deepest parts of the Unknown Regions. It contained at least one astronomical object...