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  1. › wiki › CalochortusCalochortus - Wikipedia

    The genus Calochortus includes approximately 70 species distributed from southwestern British Columbia, through California and Mexico, to northern Guatemala and eastwards to New Mexico, Nebraska and the Dakotas. Calochortus is the most widely dispersed genus of Liliaceae on the North American Pacific Coast. Of these, 28 species are endemic to ...

  2. 5 sty 2023 · This is probably the most diverse genus of bulbs growing in the western hemisphere. Calochortus are found in western North America, Mexico, and south to Guatemala. Although some have felt that it has warranted its own family, Calochortaceae, currently more authorities are including it in Liliaceae.

  3. Kalochortus (Calochortus) to mało znana w naszym kraju bulwiasta bylina zielna, należąca do rodziny Liliaceae. Kwiat Kalohortus może rosnąć zarówno na zewnątrz, jak i jako roślina doniczkowa.

  4. Calochortus tiburonensis, ścisły endemit łąk serpentynowych na jednym ze szczytów półwyspu Tiburon w Kalifornii, którego zachowana została jedna populacja, objęty jest ścisłą ochroną gatunkową na podstawie ESA (U.S. Endangered Species Act).

  5. 20 paź 2023 · Also known as mariposa lily or globe tulip, these perennial bulbous plants are known for their large, tulip-like flowers in various colors that bloom in summer. To grow Calochortus, plant them in a sunny location with well-drained soil. They can be grown from bulbs planted in the fall.

  6. Calochortus venustus - opis, fotografie, jednostki systematyczne podrzędne i nadrzędne - oznaczanie (klucz), status w czekliście; wymagania, uprawa i rozmnażanie oraz zastosowanie.

  7. Learn about Sego Lily, a native perennial bulb with white to lavender-blue flowers and yellow bases. Find out how to grow, care for, and propagate this drought-tolerant plant in your garden.

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