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  1. Rak szyjki macicy (łac. carcinoma cervicis uteri, ang. cervical cancer) – pierwotny nowotwór złośliwy szyjki macicy. Inwazyjnego raka szyjki macicy poprzedza stan zwany wewnątrznabłonkową neoplazją szyjki macicy (ang. cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN, dawniej określany jako dysplazja szyjki macicy albo rak przedinwazyjny).

  2. rak bŁony Śluzowej trzonu macicy – (ca corporis uteri, ca endometrii, adenocarcinoma corporis uteri) Rak błony śluzowej trzonu macicy jest jednym z najczęściej rozpoznawanych nowotworów złośliwych u kobiet i zachorowalność na niego stale wzrasta.

  3. 29 lut 2024 · Staging of cervical cancer can either be based on the TNM or FIGO system. Classification. Revised FIGO staging of cervical carcinoma (2018) FIGO no longer includes stage 0 (Tis) I: confined to cervix uteri (extension to the corpus should be disregarded) IA: invasive carcinoma only diagnosed by microscopy. IA1: stromal invasion <3 mm in depth.

  4. Cancer of the corpus uteri is usually referred to as endometrial can-cer, which arises from the epithelial lining of the uterine cavity. Its first local extension concerns the myometrium. Cancers arising in the stromal and muscle tissues of the myometrium are called uterine sarcomas and

  5. Przedstawiono trzy ró˝ne warianty raka szyjki macicy o agresywnym przebiegu: basaloid carcinoma, glassy cell car- cinoma, carcionoma microcellulare endocrinale. Zastosowano barwienie HE, PAS i immunohistochemiczne.

  6. 20 paź 2021 · Cancer of the corpus uteri is usually referred to as endometrial cancer, which arises from the epithelial lining of the uterine cavity. Its first local extension concerns the myometrium. Cancers arising in the stromal and muscle tissues of the myometrium are called uterine sarcomas and are not discussed in this overview (readers are directed to ...

  7. Definition / general. This topic covers tumors of the endometrium and ovary. Undifferentiated carcinomas are characterized by a patternless, sheet-like growth of discohesive cells with an aggressive clinical course ( Am J Surg Pathol 2005;29:1316, Mod Pathol 2010;23:781, J Pathol Clin Res 2021;7:144 )