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  1. chfn (ang. change finger) – uniksowe polecenie dla administratora, służące do zmiany informacji o użytkowniku w systemie, takich jak imię, nazwisko, telefon.

  2. 15 maj 2019 · Learn how to use chfn command to change your name and other details on Linux system. See the syntax, options and examples of chfn command with /etc/passwd file.

  3. Polecenie chfn w systemie Linux zasadniczo pozwala łatwo zmienić pełne imię i nazwisko użytkownika oraz powiązane informacje. Oto jego składnia: chfn [options] [LOGIN]

  4. chfn is used to change your finger information. This information is stored in the /etc/passwd file, and is displayed by the finger program. The Linux finger command will display four pieces of information that can be changed by chfn: your real name, your work room and phone, and your home phone. Any of the four pieces of information can be ...

  5. 2 gru 2019 · Learn how to set and change the metadata associated with a Linux user account using the chfn and usermod commands. See examples of how to use the GECOS field to store and retrieve information such as full name, phone number, and office number.

  6. Learn how to change user's full name, home, work, and room phone numbers using the chfn command in Linux. See examples of syntax, options, and verification steps with screenshots and Q&A.

  7. 30 lis 2020 · Linux chfn command. Updated: 11/30/2020 by Computer Hope. On Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, chfn modifies a user's "finger" information. This information is stored in the file /etc/passwd, and includes the user's real name, work room, work phone number, and home phone number.

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