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  1. The pink fairy armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus) is the smallest species of armadillo, first described by Richard Harlan in 1825. This solitary, desert-adapted animal is endemic to the deserts and scrub lands of central Argentina. The pink fairy armadillo is closely related to the only other fairy armadillo, the greater fairy armadillo.

  2. Chlamyphorus truncatus: Harlan, 1825: Systematyka: Domena: eukarionty. Królestwo: zwierzęta. Typ: strunowce. Podtyp kręgowce. Gromada: ssaki. Podgromada żyworodne. Infragromada łożyskowce. Rząd: pancernikowce. Rodzina: Chlamyphoridae. Podrodzina Chlamyphorinae. Rodzaj: Chlamyphorus Harlan, 1825. Gatunek: puklerzniczek karłowaty

  3. Chlamyphorus truncatus. Wielkość populacji. 100. Długość życia. 4-10 years. Waga. 120. g oz. Długość. 90-115. mm inch. Puklerzniczek karłowaty ( Chlamyphorus truncatus) – gatunek ssaka z podrodziny Chlamyphoridae w obrębie rodziny Chlamyphoridae. Nocne. Mięsożerne. Zwierzęta owadożerne. Lądowe. Kretowate. Żyworodne. Ko.

  4. 12 mar 2023 · The Pink Fairy Armadillo’s scientific name is Chlamyphorus truncatus. The animal is also known as ‘the sand swimmer’ because of their uncanny ability to burrow and navigate underground. The animal is named for the uniquely pink color of its protective armor.

  5. 26 sty 2023 · Her quarry, the pink fairy armadillo ( Chlamyphorus truncatus ), looks like it could have scurried straight out of the illuminated pages of a medieval bestiary. The animal’s shell, paws, and...

  6. The Pink fairy armadillo ( Chlamyphorus truncatus) is the smallest species of armadillo first described by Richard Harlan in 1825. It is the only armadillo that has a dorsal shell that is almost completely separate from the body. This solitary, desert-adapted animal is native to central Argentina.

  7. Read about Chlamyphorus truncatus (pink fairy armadillo) on the Animal Diversity Web. Animal Diversity Web University of Michigan Museum of Zoology University of Michigan

  1. Wyszukiwania związane z chlamyphorus_truncatus

    chlamyphorus truncatus common name