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  1. › title › CompizCompiz - ArchWiki

    Compiz is a compositing window manager for the X Window System, using 3D graphics hardware to create fast compositing desktop effects for window management. Effects, such as a minimization animation or a cube workspace, are implemented as loadable plugins.

  2. › wiki › CompizCompiz - Wikipedia

    launchpad .net /compiz. Compiz ( / kɒmpɪz /) is a compositing window manager for the X Window System, using 3D graphics hardware to create fast compositing desktop effects for window management. Effects, such as a minimization animation or a cube workspace, are implemented as loadable plugins.

  3. Compiz – menedżer okien i kompozycji stworzony z myślą o wykorzystaniu możliwości XGL, opublikowany na otwartej licencji. Wypuszczony po raz pierwszy przez Novella w styczniu 2006. Oferuje różnorodne efekty graficzne, w minimalnym stopniu obciążając jednocześnie procesor (efektami zajmuje się karta graficzna ).

  4. 7 maj 2021 · Compiz is a compositing window manager that uses 3D graphics acceleration via OpenGL. It provides various new graphical effects and features on any desktop environment, including GNOME and KDE. Compiz has a flexible plug-in system and it is designed to run well on most graphics hardware.

  5. 27 lip 2023 · Compiz is an open-source X window manager that enables advanced visual effects and desktop enhancements. It was one of the pioneering compositing window managers for X and supports various plugins for window management, decorations, effects, and more. Learn about its history, performance, and how to use it with different desktops.

  6. Compiz is one of the oldest compositing window managers for Xorg, and though it has become less popular over time, it still has remarkable performance and a very large featureset. Effects are implemented as loadable plugins, and Compiz can be used as a drop-in replacement for the default window managers and compositors of most other desktops.

  7. Menedżery okien nie są już tak popularne jak kiedyś, ale Compiz jest nadal rozwijany, nadal oferuje niezwykłą wydajność i dużą liczbę funkcji. Co to jest Compiz? Compiz to menedżer okien X typu open source, który umożliwia zaawansowane efekty wizualne i ulepszenia pulpitu.

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