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55 wyników wyszukiwania „cherhill” w kategorii: wszystko

Wyświetl cherhill w kategorii Wideo (13)
Aerial shot of a monument that stands on top of a hill in the England, the monument is close by to the white horse on Cherhill.
This was shot on a sunny autumn day.
Wiltshire Horse in the Landscape
Aerial view of Cherhill in the english countryside shot on a sunny autumn day.
Aerial rising shot of Cherhill White Horse in the english countryside, shot in autumn with a bright blue sky.
Aerial shot of Cherhill in England looking at the side of the hill where a white horse figure is carved into the side.
Shot on sunny blue sky day.
Aerial view across at a white horse figure carved into the side of Cherhill in the English countryside.
Shot on a bright day with blue skies.
Rising shot of Cherhill White Horse in England, the shot is rising while moving away from the subject.
Shot on a blue sky bright autumn day.
Aerial shot in the English countryside showing a white chalk horse figure carved on the side of Cherhill.
shot on a bright summers day.
Rising aerial view of a chalk horse figure on the side of Cherhill in England, figure dates back the the eighteenth century.
Shot on a bright summers day.
Aerial view of a the chalk white horse in the side of Cherhill in England, dating back to the eighteenth century. 
Shot on a bright summers day with a blue sky.
Aerial shot moving across a green hill reaving a white horse figure on the side of the hill.
Shot on a bright summers day, in the English countryside.
Aerial pan shot of a chalk white horse on the side of Cherhill in England. 
Shot on a bright blue sky autumn day.
Aerial view panning a monument situated on top of a hill in the English countryside, with a chalk white horse in the background.
The shot was taken on a bright sunny autumn day.