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  • communication theory, can be indicated. To specify this meta-level, in the culturalist position I use the term meta-communication. [279] 2. The assumption…
    671 bajtów (3284 słowa) - 19:21, 3 gru 2022
  • Polity Press. [269]Nerone, J. (1993). Theory and History. Communication Theory, 3(2), 148–157. Nerone, J. (2006). The Future of Communication History. Critical…
    737 bajtów (71 427 słów) - 19:21, 3 gru 2022
  • chwila poglądy, jak modę]. („The theory of exchanges etc. London 1864, str. 135). H. Fawcett: „The economic position of the british labourer. London 1865“…
    698 KB (253 630 słów) - 04:32, 31 mar 2022
  • theology (theo′lodży) teologja. theoretic(al) (thīore′tyk(ł )) teoretyczny. theory (thī′ory) teorja. there (dhēr ) tu; tam; there is jest; there are są. thereby…
    945 bajtów (41 304 słowa) - 15:14, 4 sty 2023