Am 9. Mai fand im Rahmen des Kulturabos um 19.30 Uhr im großen Saal des Gemeindeamtes Strasshof das 47. Konzert der Wiener ...
Im zweiten Teil boten sie das Septett von Franz Lachner dar, auch dieses ist mit einer Flöte besetzt. Die zahlreichen ...
One of the most remarkable tales on this subject is told by the composer, conductor and friend of Schubert, Franz Lachner. Calling on Schubert one morning in 1826 they decided to share some coffee.
By Erica Jeal. Holywell Music Room, Oxford Franz Lachner was a friend of Schubert's (though he lived 61 years longer), and in 1828 the two wrote organ fugues together just for the hell of it.
The version‚ with recitatives‚ originally composed by Franz Lachner‚ is the one almost always performed but with the recitatives translated into Italian. Haydn‚ Schubert‚ Beethoven and Weber are just ...
Franz Lachner (1803-1890) schmückt seine Komposition mit umrankenden Begleitläufen der Klarinette aus und schildert. Robert Schumann (1810-1856) empfindet. Lachner, der Erzähler, Schumann ...
Im Gerätehaus der Feuerwehr fand vergangenes Wochenende das diesjährige Feuerwehrfest statt. Zahlreiche Gäste, unter anderen ...
Im Film "Bauern in der Globalisierungsfalle" von Franz Lachner spielt sie eine junge Bäuerin, welche zwar aus dem ländlichen Raum stammt, aber keine bäuerliche Herkunft hat. Die ersten Jahre ...
We have come north with Romanenko into the high Russian Arctic, to an archipelago known as Franz Josef Land, and although it’s not our primary purpose, that question underlies much of what we’ ...
Franz Wagner had 34 points and 13 rebounds, and the Orlando Magic held the Cleveland Cavaliers scoreless for a second-half stretch of almost seven minutes Saturday in a 112-89 victory that tied ...
In the title role of Canadian Opera Company's Medea, soprano Sondra Radvanovsky offers the vocal and dramatic goods required by this flawed masterpiece.
Franz Bergman was an Austrian entrepreneur best known for his Viennese foundry which produced many patina- and cold-painted bronze sculptures of erotic figures, animals, Orientalist scenes, and ...