Poles announced the time of the termination of the truck traffic blockade across the Ukrainian-Polish border, the Western ...
Roughly a week after Russian forces invaded Ukraine, Radziwill traveled to Korczowa, Poland and spent two days at the border documenting her experience there with the thousands of refugees pouring ...
Polish protesters blocked truck traffic near the Rava-Ruska-Hrebenne checkpoint, the press service of the State Border Guard ...
"The movement of trucks at the Shehyni-Medyka and Korczowa-Krakovets checkpoints has been restored," the statement says. The processing and passage of freight vehicles across the border in both ...
Trucks were blocked at the Medyka-Shehyni, Dołhobyczów-Uhryniv, Zosin-Ustyluh, Korczowa-Krakivets, Hrebenne-Rava-Ruska, and Dorohusk-Yahodyn checkpoints. Farmers made numerous demands ...
Roughly a week after Russian forces invaded Ukraine, Radziwill traveled to Korczowa, Poland and spent two days at the border documenting her experience there with the thousands of refugees pouring ...