Why is Christian Science in our name? Our name is about honesty. The Monitor is owned by The Christian Science Church, and we’ve always been transparent about that. The Church publishes the ...
World News // 2 years ago 'King of Torture' testifies in USS Cole case At a pretrial hearing in the case against the accused mastermind of the USS Cole bombing, a former Army interrogator said he ...
The former sailor, Hassan Abu-Jihaad, was convicted in 2008 of disclosing secrets on ship movements to potentially enable an attack similar to one carried out against the destroyer USS Cole ...
The US Navy released a powerful video Monday of retired sailors and a Gold Star mother recounting the deadly bombing of the destroyer USS Cole twenty years ago today. In one heartbreaking scene ...
Jeremy Bustin (Navy Sailor)Seth Caskey (Sailor)Victor Dowell (Navy sailor)Michael Fisher (Injured U.S. Navy Sailor)Tommy Hahn (Injured Navy Sailor)Derrick Johnson (Navy Sailor)Sarah Kingsley (Navy ...
BY COURTESY STORY 13 May 2024  ATLANTIC OCEAN – The Wasp Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and embarked 24th Marine Expeditionary ...
In 2017, Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker opened up the fourth season with USS Callister, an episode that featured Jesse ...
There are some enormous deficits in our care of those who have died in service of their country. We have to fix this.
Carsten Oblaender The USS Cole pulled into port in Aden, Yemen on a sweltering morning, intending to re-fuel and then head on to patrol the Persian Gulf as a strong show of American presence there.
Summary: Aircraft carriers are technological marvels that project air power globally but remain vulnerable to attacks. The ...
The Navy warship Carney has completed a very busy and historic deployment, racking up 51 engagements involving Iran-backed ...
Summary: The U.S. Navy’s new Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers are set to replace the aging Nimitz-class carriers with ...