Prior to the virtual secret vote among National Ski Associations, Vedran Pavlek of the Croatian Ski Association contended delegates should be permitted to vote “no” or “abstain” in the ...
Through three distinctive music videos for Bosnian-Swedish DJ Salvatore Ganacci, director Vedran Rupic has honed an artist persona that is shocking, unique and undeniably hilarious. Here, in his own ...
Co-host Pavlek (an admitted southsider) quipped that the University of Alberta's main campus dwarfs MacEwan and NorQuest's geographical footprint, making it something of a de facto district for ...
Born in war-torn Croatia, Vedran Dukic never knew the carefree life of most young children in Canada. His parents were forced to flee to Germany when he was a toddler. He was enrolled in elementary ...
(Submitted by Troy Pavlek) When Valley Line service began on Nov. 4, hundreds of Edmontonians showed up as early as 4 a.m. to be first in line to board. Some brought cake, ribbons and even a pair ...