The dead are all around. They cannot sleep. The dead are all around.
Devastated by her loss, Doris Hernandez, 66, found solace and strength through poetry. She began to write, channeling her ...
KEMPF: Don't live a Dehd life. And there’s my headline. If you had to describe your live show to someone who'd never seen you ...
She also repeatedly references her death throughout “My Tears Ricochet” – “And if I’m dead to you, why are you at the wake?” ...
I will celebrate all the lessons I learned and share them with my ancestors and they will welcome me with open arms and stern ...
A child’s eye attempts to make sense of a military attack on a school – but fails to find any ...
Critics and readers love the term, but it can be awfully slippery to pin down. That’s what makes it so fun to try.
Poetry is a sensual, meaningful, spiritually enlightening companion, especially during times of upheaval. The pleasure of ...
Mix poetry with the other arts, especially music. Plan evenings honoring dead or foreign writers. Combine short critical lectures with poetry performances. Such combinations would attract an audience ...
The first time I met her she was tiny and her dad was tall. I bumped into them as they were walking through Lincoln Park on ...
We were Plath Girls in our youth. Claiming her was a way to elevate our teenage sadness from cliché to literary ...