Just as with abortion, conservatives are willing to take a patient approach to overturning a constitutional right.
The word “child” appears nowhere in SB4381. Nor does the word “parent.” ...
After a decades-long fight, birth control pills are now available without a prescription. It's a major victory for women's reproductive health, writes Emily Eckert, but we must continue to push for ...
GOP tensions over the political cost of the “personhood” movement to endow an embryo with human rights has also animated the ...
From the outside, it might seem completely nuts for Republicans to start inching toward a policy goal that is something like ...
The National Republican Senatorial Committee released a memo on Tuesday that advises GOP Senate candidates to underscore ...
In 2018, a handful of couples ditched their birth control to embark on a one-year trial of a hormonal topical gel as their ...
The Senate voted 51-39 on Wednesday to advance the Right to Contraception Act, short of the 60 votes needed to overcome a ...
Let’s make a law where you say to men, hey, no self-gratification here. Make that a law,” Goldberg said. “And see how fast we ...
California Governor Gavin Newsom Reaffirms Birth Control Access in California After Senate Republicans Kills Right to ...