The brain has a powerful ability to keep out blood containing unidentified elements, thanks to a feature known as the ...
That hasn't always been the case, though, with commercial airliners that could break the sound barrier having operated in the ...
Dog owners sometimes claim that their dogs understand human speech. This isn’t completely off-base, but science tells us it’s probably not the words they understand, it’s the emotion behind ...
Previously, Dr. Hallion was curator of science and technology at the ... NOVA: Was the quest to break the sound barrier initially motivated by possible military applications?
For Felix Baumgartner to skydive from higher than anyone has ever dared he must also do something no human has ever done: free-fall though the sound barrier ... will have to break through the ...
Although it might not be warm enough for swimming in the Atlantic Ocean, the chain of barrier islands known as the Outer Banks still makes for a perfect spring break getaway: Think long walks on ...
Scientists from three research stations on the Great Barrier Reef have shared sobering ... Hoggett knows the reef can recover if it gets enough of a break between hits. There was certainly good ...
New research is shedding light on one barrier to a clean energy future ... "By studying how and why renewable energy devices break down over time, we might be able to extend their lifetime ...
Ocean warming enhances hurricane activity, bleaches coral reefs and melts Antarctic sea ice. That warming has been off the charts for the past year.
Dwight Jr. was picked by John F. Kennedy’s White House to join a test pilot program at Edwards Air Force Base, but after his ...
An X-1 was the first plane to break the sound barrier in Chuck Yeager’s flight on October 14, 1947. Museum of Flight/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images A supersonic jet boom sounds like a thunder ...