Calathea roseopicta, also commonly known as rose painted calathea, is a colorful tropical plant with oval-shaped, dark green ...
This species has deep red undersides to its leaves. This unique calathea's oval-shaped leaves are edged with feathery areas of pale to dark pink that appear almost red. Another striking pink calathea, ...
To make a bold statement, the calathea, or zebra plant (Goeppertia orbifolia), is a go-to. Its oversized, round leaves with striking silver and green zebra stripes add a tropical touch to your space.
Flowers are a timeless gift, bound to appeal to almost every recipient. But the delivery can be hit or miss: A lackluster bouquet doesn’t strike the right chords, and a late arrival is more ...
Alocasia ‘Silver Dragon’. Alocasia varieties like ‘Dragon Scale,’ ‘ Silver Dragon, and ‘Amazonica’, Calathea ‘Pinstripe’ and the highly textured leaves of peperomia are prime ...