The Spanish sparkling wine, cava, proves its excellence through well-chosen vineyards and long cellar ageing; a tasting of ...
Paraguayan producers Wednesday dispatched the first shipment of mosquito repellent to Argentine, where President Javier Milei ...
Wander the narrow cobbled streets of the old towns, soak in Catalonian history at the museums and discover local dishes that ...
EA Sports FC 24 is gearing up to launch its annual Team of the Season promo in Ultimate Team later this week, but the content ...
In recent years, and with more global standards coming into effect, there’s been a significant push towards committing to ...
Pop into the store right by the Queen Vic Market for pizza by the slice made from dough prepared by an Italian chef and flour ...
Era un tuit recorrent als inicis de Vox fer befa amb què l’extrema dreta espanyola (aquella que durant anys tothom deia que ...
De l’article de Lluís Capdevila (Barcelona, 1893-Andorra la Vella, 1980) a la secció “Teatre Polític” de Meridià (24-VI-1938) ...
El fenomen de les celebritats literàries ve de lluny i també es dona en altres països, però aquí reapareix sempre amb força ...
Insòlitament, el Govern espanyol ha sigut incapaç de presentar Pressupostos per al 2024. Aconseguir-ho per al 2025 es preveu ...
L’Auditori acollirà el concert de Libérica Trio i el Celler, el de Lluís Capdevila ...