This new species, classified within the elasmarian ornithopods group, exhibits distinctive anatomical features, including humeral morphology similar to smaller elasmarian ornithopods like ...
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Scientists in Brazil made a remarkable discovery—ancient human petroglyphs along dinosaurs tracks belonging to theropods, ...
NAGASAKI--Researchers have determined that a fossil found in the layers of a local beach is the shoulder blade of a 9-meter-long ornithopod dinosaur, one of the largest in Japan and possibly a new ...
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The specimen, named Iani smithi after Janus - the two-faced Roman god of change, was an early ornithopod, a group of mostly bipedal herbivores that also includes famous examples such as Iguanodon ...
That included a cavalcade of classic dinosaur groups – huge, long-necked sauropods, herbivorous ornithopods, and the two-legged, carnivorous theropods. Among them, a set of two-toed tracks ...
Bipedal footprints were made by either theropods or ornithopods - although some of the latter, such as Mantellisaurus, are thought to have spent time on all-fours too. The differences between ...
Finally, to illustrate the global reach of our collection, we also have a small ornithopod, not yet fully described, that was collected from Vega Island on the Antarctic Peninsula in 1989. Our ...