Pope Pius XI issues an encyclical titled Casti Connubii (Of Chaste Marriage) calling birth control a sin, and opposing birth control by any artificial means. In her dogged pursuit of birth control ...
According to many scholars, the judgment that contraception is gravely sinful matter goes back to the Encyclical Casti connubii, where we find its most solemn and clear-cut formulation.
4) Your friend does not entirely understand Pius XI’s encyclical Casti Connubii. Paragraph #53 reads: 53. And now, Venerable Brethren, we shall explain in detail the evils opposed to each of the ...
December 4, 1930: In response to the Anglican Lambeth Conference, which cautiously approved birth control, Pope Pius XI issues the encyclical "Casti connubii." Though the document condemned any ...
Pie XII, qui s'adresse à des sages-femmes, a tout d'abord insisté en ces termes sur leur responsabilité devant Dieu : " Dans la solide doctrine religieuse vous trouverez la fermeté d'opposer ...
Pope Pius XI issues an encyclical titled Casti Connubii (Of Chaste Marriage) calling birth control a sin, and opposing birth control by any artificial means. In her dogged pursuit of birth control ...