Threadleaf is hardy in Zones 5-9, lanceleaf in Zones 4-9. Corn poppies (Papaver rhoeas) are exceedingly easy to raise from seed. Also called corn Flanders poppies, these cheerful red wildflowers arose ...
Self-seeding plants are ideal for gardeners looking to incorporate wildflower garden ideas in their yard. Self-seeders can be ...
Inserted in today’s edition of the Olean Times Herald is our annual Some Gave All special supplement in recognition of ...
Papaver somniferum, commonly known as the opium poppy or breadseed poppy, is a species of flowering plant in the family Papaveraceae. It is the species of plant from which both opium and poppy seeds ...
Scarlet corn poppies (popaver rhoeas) grow naturally in conditions of disturbed earth throughout Western Europe. The destruction brought by the Napoleonic wars of the early 19th Century ...