The EFA Spitzenkandidaten, Maylis Roßberg and Raül Romeva, presented the different chapters of the EFA electoral manifesto. This report looks at women’s rights and gender equality in the EU.
EFA’s electoral manifesto was presented by Maylis Roßberg and her co-Spitzenkanidat, Raül Romeva (right). [EFA] This article is part of our special report Women’s rights and gender equality ...
Spanish Member of the EU Parliament Raül Romeva i Rueda, Vice President of the European Greens, joined the discussions and stressed the need for civil society to collaborate Mediterranean-wide.
Esquerra Republicana afronta aquest 12 de maig per primer cop en vuitanta anys unes eleccions al Parlament de Catalunya ...
Les enquestes situen ERC com a tercera força però Junqueras assegura que això no aconseguirà desanimar el seu partit ...
A menys de tres setmanes dels comicis, tots els partits faran un fort desembarcament dels seus principals candidats al centre de Barcelona, amb l'objectiu de fer-se veure i transmetre els seus mi ...
The main objective of SEAGHOSTS, one of the 33 European projects selected under the BiodivMon call and coordinated by Professor Raül Ramos, from the Faculty of Biology and the Biodiversity ...
Europe has been through a whirlwind of changes in the past five years, from Brexit to Covid-19 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These events have reshaped our continent in ways we could never have ...
'Calidoscopi' es capbussa en el fascinant món dels pentinats. A la prehistòria ja tenien cura dels cabells, a l'antic Egipte les perruques estaven de moda i, al Renaixement, es tenyien de ros ...