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adam ważyk z books.google.com
... Adam Ważyk , Warszawa 1980 , s . 196 ) . Wersy „ Ścięta głowa księżyca ” Elżbiety Cichli - Czarniawskiej i „ Słońce szyjo ścięta ” Guillau- meʼa Apollinaire'a należy czytać razem , ponieważ — jak pisze Adam Ważyk — „ W mitologii ...
adam ważyk z books.google.com
... Adam Ważyk's friends had encouraged him to write his memoirs but that Ważyk was disinclined . He felt “ disgust for all of that . " " All of that " —his own past . Thirteen years later , a 1976 report repeated verbatim the words of a ...
adam ważyk z books.google.com
... Adam Ważyk had pulled the curtain on his own performance . Jerzy Borejsza was already dead . As was Ważyk's rival translator of Pushkin , Julian Tuwim , as were Witold Wandurski , Stanis- ław Ryszard Stande , and Bruno Jasieński . When ...
adam ważyk z books.google.com
... Adam WAŻYK at this time . Because the sources of his inspiration are associated with cubism and French sur- realism , Ważyk's poetry represents these tendencies in the Polish poetry of the period . Likewise , Mieczyslaw JASTRUN was ...