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... Alpuente. Instituto de Historia y Heráldica Familiar Alpuente. A. Origen,Historia y Heráldica en el interior. Lorem ipsum ad his scripta blandit partiendo, eum fastidii accumsan euripidis in, eum liber hendrerit an. Quiutwisi vocibus ...
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... ALPUENTE PUBLICÓ EN SETIEMBRE ÚLTIMO SOBRE LA SUPREMA JUNTA DE CONSPIRADORES contra el sistema constitucional , y acerca de la bilidad moral y legal de los ministros . responsa- MADRID : IMPRENTA DE DOÑA ROSA SANZ , CALLE DEL BAÑO ...
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... Alpuente , son of Don Mathias by his first marriage , was born in New Orleans , June 21 , 1783 , in a house that stood on the corner of Ram- part and Dumaine streets for ... Alpuente , and Henry Alpuente . After the death [ 33 ] ALPUENTE.
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... Alpuente, M., Ballis, D., Frechina, F., Sapiña, J.: Assertion-based analysis via slicing with ABETS (system description). Theory Pract. Logic Program. 16(5–6), 515–532 (2016) 5. Alpuente, M., Ballis, D., Frechina, F., Sapiña, J ...
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... Alpuente, M., Ballis, D., Correa, F.J., Falaschi, M.: Automated Correction of Functional Logic Programs. In: Degano, P. (ed.) ESOP 2003. LNCS, vol. 2618, pp. 54–68. Springer, Heidelberg (2003) 5. Alpuente, M., Comini, M., Escobar, S ...
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... Alpuente ha rebatido; ellos estaban ya demasiado desacreditados en la masa de la nacion para que se ocupase continuamente en recargar su odiosidad; las erróneas ó interesadas opiniones de algunos llamados liberales, los abusos á que ...
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... Alpuente 227 tract was found improperly located in the case of Shelly v . Fredrichs , 117 La . , 679 . The decision in which this Court found the Alpuente tract im- properly located on the map of Sulakosky , made under contract with the ...
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... Alpuente and Albarracín , respectively about forty and about eighty miles to the north - west of Valencia , among the mountains which divide the Ebro valley from central Spain in the modern province of Teruel . In Alpuente a locally ...
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... Alpuente, M., Ballis, D., Espert, J., Romero, D.: Backward trace slicing for rewriting logic theories. In: Bjørner, N., Sofronie-Stokkermans, V. (eds.) CADE 2011. LNCS, vol. 6803, pp. 34–48. Springer, Heidelberg (2011) 2. Alpuente, M ...
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... Alpuente , M. Falaschi , and G. Vidal . INDY User's Manual . Technical Report DSIC - II / 12 / 98 , UPV , 1998. Available from URL : http://www.dsic.upv.es/users/elp/papers.html . [ 3 ] M. Alpuente , M. Falaschi , P. Julián , and G ...