Wyświetlam wyniki dla amador city
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Amador City is a small Gold Rush era town in Amador County, which has more dead than living.
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Built in 1904, the Amador Central Railroad--a 12-mile, standard-gauge short line that snakes its way through the Sierra Nevada foothills from Ione to Martell--served both passengers and freighters for a century until 2004.
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Located in the heart of California's gold country, rural Amador County has retained much of its gold rush?era atmosphere, even as modern times have influenced the populace and the landscape.
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... Amador . Physician & Surgeon Kentucky 1854 1865 Amador Mining . Saloon . New Hampshire .. Ireland .. 1849 1850 ' Sutter Creek 1862 1862 Amador 1856 1856 Sutter Creek 1858 1858 Amador City .. Millwright .. New York 1853 1857 Sutter Creek ...