ana_de_jesus z books.google.com
... Ana de Jesús shortly after her death, remarking that “la an querido açer más que la santa madre y esto no lo puedo sufrir, que falta mucho para ser canoniçada” [they have wanted to make her greater than the Holy Mother {Teresa} and this ...
ana_de_jesus z books.google.com
... Ana de Jesús , 15 . Ana de San Bartolomé , Autobiografía A , in OCASB , 1 : 285-86 . A Sister of Notre Dame de Namur , Life of the Venerable Ana de Jesús , 19 . " Al espejo de Teresa / Se miro , y tomo consejo , / Su Imagen fue y no ...
ana_de_jesus z books.google.com
... Ana de Jesús and her companions came to France. Ana de Jesús never stopped believing, however, that the constitutions of 1588 represented the authentic Teresian vision, and she impressed this belief on her French daughters and on the ...
ana_de_jesus z books.google.com
... Ana de Jesús. Teresa. So it's Ana de Lobera! (Falling into excited reminiscence.) Ofcourse! Come closer, my child! You've always been different, Ana de Jesús. A queen among women, go on, don't look so innocent, you knew you were, in ...
ana_de_jesus z books.google.com
... ( Ana de Jesús : 22-24 ) ; illness and medical attention ( Mujica , " Corpus sanus " ; Owens ; Sánchez Hernández “ Algunos apuntes " ) ; cultural exchange ( Ana de Jesús : 38-41 ; Fernández Gracia ) ; economic knowledge ( Martín ) ...
ana_de_jesus z books.google.com
... Ana de Jesús , prioress of the Discalced Carmelite nuns in Madrid : Yo no conocí ni vi a la Madre Teresa de Jesús mientras estuvo en la tierra ; mas agora que vive en el cielo la conozco y veo casi siempre en dos imágenes vivas que nos ...
ana_de_jesus z books.google.com
... Ana de Jesús feared it would mean the loss of the traditional freedom enjoyed by the female branch. The quarrel split the Discalced nuns into two groups: Ana de Jesús; Jerónimo Gracián, who had pushed the Carmelite general chapter to ...
ana_de_jesus z books.google.com
... civ auka O'TA Sabab othere , ( * ) Los casos de este ultimo Parrafo constan de la vis da aprobada en la Causa , cap . 18 . ( a ) Consta alli . ML ; mienoƆ rezando con gran fervor su Rosario , y pidien- do MARIA ANA DE JESUS . 137.
ana_de_jesus z books.google.com
... Ana de Jesus ; à esa admirable Virgen , por cuyo medio se dignò el Altisimo revelar al mundo su inal- terable voluntad de tu glorioso , quanto exemplar Insti tuto . Aclama , festeja , celebra con todas tus fuerzas los gloriosos triunfos ...