Wyświetlam wyniki dla andrews county
Zamiast tego wyszukaj andrews_county
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The entire story of Andrews County, Texas from 1876 to 1978.
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Andrews County was named for Richard Andrews, the first casualty in Texass fight for independence from Mexico in 1835 at the battle of Concepcin.
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Fertile land lured settlers to Andrew County in the 19th century, and the productive land exerted its hold on farm families for generations thereafter.
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The Philippines, Poland, East Germany, India, Czechoslovakia, Pakistan, France, and Holland as well Belgium, Wales and Scotland was where he traveled until he zeroed in on Cuba. This is a short story of a few of his exploits.
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Fertile land lured settlers to Andrew County in the 19th century, and the productive land exerted its hold on farm families for generations thereafter.
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Data shown in this summary are limited to occupational wages and salaries collected as part of the Bureau's National Compensation survey.
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... Co. of Cal- 10 12 ifornia , Union Oil Center , Los An- geles , Calif . 90017 . ... do .. 11 El Paso Natural Gas Co. ( Dollar- hide Field , Andrews County , Tex . ) ( RR . District No. 8 ) ( Per- mian Basin Area ) . 11 El Paso Natural Gas Co ...