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anna de noailles z books.google.com
Best understood in terms of a Dionysian aesthetics, her work is sensual, erotic, and playful, but also reflective, violent on occasion, and always marked by a tragic under-current that becomes magnified with time.
anna de noailles z books.google.com
A poet of undeniable stature, the comtesse Anna de Noailles was respected and beloved by France's literary and lay population alike, counting among her admirers such figures as Proust, Cocteau, Colette, and many others.
anna de noailles z books.google.com
" Anna-Élisabeth de Brancovan, comtesse Mathieu de Noailles (1876 -1933), née au sein d’une famille princière roumaine du côté du père et d’humanistes grecs du côté de la mère, fut, c’est un euphémisme que de le dire, bénie ...