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Previously published as a special issue of Mediterranean Politics, this collection critically analyzes the dynamics and complexities of the wider Euro-Mediterranean area on the basis of individual theory-informed designs and conceptual ...
anna diamantopoulou z books.google.com
In a context of economic and budgetary crisis, this book presents a long-term analysis of the transformations of EU gender equality.
anna diamantopoulou z books.google.com
... Anna Diamantopoulou, 'The national and European role of social welfare organisations', speech given in Athens, 19 May 2000. Online. Available http://ec.europa. eu/employment_social/speeches/2000/000519ad_en.pdf (accessed 9 October 2008) ...
anna diamantopoulou z books.google.com
... Anna Diamantopoulou speaks out against domestic violence (May 4, 2000). Anna Diamantopoulou speech on tackling domestic violence and trafficking in human beings—the role of the European Union, member states and civil society (May30,2003) ...
anna diamantopoulou z books.google.com
... Anna DIAMANTOPOULOU ( « Egalité de traitement entre hommes et femmes . Interdiction de fonder la tarification sur le sexe dans le cadre des assurances privées » ) et dans une note du 19 janvier 2004 ( « Egalité des sexes en matière d ...