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This one-volume reference work provides the first encyclopedic treatment of the life, thought, and influence of Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354-430), one of the greatest figures in the history of the Christian church.
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Gathers selections from St. Augustine's autobiographical Confessions, sermons on Christian life and the Psalms, and his discussion of the secular and Christian views of happiness.
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This book is a tool for teaching and studying the great Christian classic, Augustine's Confessions.
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Augustine and History places Augustine in his historical context, and traces his influence on later historians and debates. These scholarly essays are excellent for a wide-ranging academic audience.
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A detailed and accurate account of the character and effects of Augustine's thought.
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Here is the timeless conflict between good and evil, portrayed through the life of one man who found spiritual growth and unshakable faith.
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Starting with his childhood and continuing through his youth and early adulthood, you this book shows Augustine as a human being, a fellow traveler on the road to salvation. Join him on his journey. Listen in as he worships God.
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" It is, however, another measure of the importance of Augustine that many aspects of his life and meanings of his writings are still disputed. This continuing investigation and debate is evidenced in this volume.
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The Works of Saint Augustine, A Translation for the 21st Century will be translated into 49 published books. To date, 41 books have been published by NCP containing 93 of The Works of Saint Augustine, A Translation for the 21st Century.
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The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered one of the greatest Christian classics of all time.