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Occasional Thoughts in Reference to a Vertuous or Cristian life by Lady Damaris Cudworth Masham.
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In How to Think Like a Woman, Regan Penaluna blends memoir, biography, and criticism to tell the stories of these four women, weaving throughout an alternative history of philosophy as well as her own search for love and truth.
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This volume collects the private letters and published epistles of English women philosophers of the early modern period (c. 1650-1700).
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An invaluable complement to the standards works in early modern philosophy, this anthology introduces an important selection from the largely unknown writings of women philosophers of the early modern period.
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When this is duly consider'd, People cannot, I think, but be soon convinc'd from what Hands the right Instruction spoken of, ought to come; for nothing can, in my Opinion, be more obvious than that is.