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Rudolf Waltz's principal objection to life was that it was too easy to make horrible mistakes.
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Here is a tale of crime and punishment that makes us rethink what we believe . . . and who we say we are. Praise for Deadeye Dick “A moving fable . . .
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... Deadeye Dick " No one will want to be known as a " Deadeye Dick . " Sho - Lites take the deadeyes out of head- lights . Make night driving safer . SHO LITE A Glass Arm ... Conveys the Light DEALERS : Write today for full information ...
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... Deadeye Dick In some respects Deadeye Dick ( 1982 ) seems like a rewrite of Jailbird , for both novels are first - person ac- counts told by melancholy older men who committed crimes that have cast a shadow over their whole lives . Both ...
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... Deadeye Dick . While visiting New York for the production of " Katmandu , " Rudy came to understand his fascination with John Fortune . ( DD 130 : L25-30 ) I no longer cared about the play . It was Deadeye Dick , tormented by guilt in ...
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... Deadeye Dick . When I returned from Europe in August , Kurt's phone call wel- comed me home with a double message . The good news was that he was sending me a galley proof of Deadeye Dick , which would be re- leased later that month ...