diery z books.google.com
... Diery , JD post- pones death by writing about it : " If I wanted to be pompous I would call it art . Luck- ily for you I won't . Still , you can call it whatever you want " ( 29 ) . The relation be- tween death and writing in the Diery ...
diery z books.google.com
... Diery , Helmut ; and Mees , Bernhard , to Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft . Quaternary crosslinked products of xylylene dichlorides and trietha- nolamine condensates and their use . 4,500,735 , 2-19-85 , Cl . 564-286.000 . Diery , Helmut ...
diery z books.google.com
... Diery Prudent, an African-American man of Haitian extraction, whose experiences of depression seem to have toughened his spirit and softened his interactions with other people, and who is deeply aware of the ways in which his blackness ...
diery z books.google.com
... Diery , 36 , Foreman Labourer ; Edward Diery , 38 , Labourer . Dec. 14 Netherton , Northumberland . Dec. 31 Garesfield , Durham . Netherton Coal Co. , William Shotton , Ltd. Consett Iron Co. Ltd. Miscellaneous . Aug. 15 Bewick Main ...
diery z books.google.com
... Diery , 36 , Foreman Labourer ; Edward Diery , 38 , Labourer . 59 , Screener . 85 Dec. 14 Netherton , Northumberland . Netherton Coal Co. , Ltd. William Shotton , 306 92 Dec. 31 Garesfield , Durham . Consett Iron Co. Andrew Dunn , Ltd ...
diery z books.google.com
... Diery , 36 , Foreman Labourer ; Edward Diery , 38 , Labourer , Netherton Coal Co. , William Shotton , Ltd. Dec. 14 Netherton , Northumberland . Dec. 31 Garesfield , Durham . Consett Iron Co. Ltd. 59 , Screener . Andrew Dunn , 48 ...
diery z books.google.com
... Diery Mama gav me a new diery to - day for my seventh burthday . To- day we made ice - cream and it was verry good . Gussie and I were the ones who got to stir it and turn the handel . We ate watermellin to . Good - by diery . With fond ...
diery z books.google.com
Gustv̀ Kazimr̕ Zechenter-Laskomerský. -- --- - výhľad ! velikánske potešenie ! Tri diery v no- vých nohaviciach , a to jaké diery ! Goethe ho- vorí kdesi , ale tu nehovorí : „ len nie nič poloviča- tého ! " No toto sú ozaj Goetheho diery ...
diery z books.google.com
... DIERY of LADY WILLOUGHBY which do relate to her Do- mestic History and to the Events of the latter Years of the Reign of King Charles the First , the Protectorate , and the Re- storation . Small 4to . pp . 220 . Longman and Co. SOME of ...
diery z books.google.com
... Diery , a 46 - year - old former senior manager of Apple Computer who was tap- ped by Samsung to revive AST . The shake - up is a test case of the challenges of turning around a com- pany in a market as prone to change as personal ...