ding_tian_li_di z books.google.com
... ding tian li di , which means being upright and uncompromising in one's moral principles , as well as being heroic and coura- geous . The original source of this saying is unknown ; one derivation is a line in the Yuan - dynasty opera ...
ding_tian_li_di z books.google.com
... [ding tian li di] on the left, and “To carry on the heritage so as to pave the way for future generations” [ji wang kai lai] on the right. The national flag of the Republic of China and a photo of its founding father, Sun Yat-sen, hung ...
ding_tian_li_di z books.google.com
... ding tian li di ) . According to his poem on the painting , the gingko grows on top of the Green Dragon Mountains near Nanjing ( Jinling ) . During the Six Dynasties it was maimed by a bolt of lightning , but later defied death and ...
ding_tian_li_di z books.google.com
... DingTianLiDi 頂天立地—pushing up heaven whilst rooting deep into the earth. Make sure to practice this movement slowly for several months before you gradually increase your speed. Breath: Exhale, allowing the Qi from your DanTian to ...
ding_tian_li_di z books.google.com
... ding tian li di . [ The young man in front of him has become indomitable ( literally , ' towering from earth to sky ' ) . . . ] ( J , p . 229 ) ( 22 ) Women bai zhe bu nao , kui ran ru shan ! [ We never yield in spite of hundreds of ...
ding_tian_li_di z books.google.com
... Ding tian li di , hou lai ju shang , “ go forward with your head in the clouds , your feet on the ground , start late , but end up ahead " ; and Mian xiang , yi kao pan gao feng , " facing the economy , rely on S & T to climb high ...
ding_tian_li_di z books.google.com
... dingtianlidi " ( The Tremendous Accomplishments of Women Chinese Scientific and Technical Personnel ) , Keji ribao ( Sci - Tech Daily ) , 12 July 1995 . 13. Xiao Jie , " Woguo nüwulixuejia weihe yuelai yueshao " ( Why China Has Fewer ...
ding_tian_li_di z books.google.com
... dingtianlidi de xingxiang). Given the association of red stone with the martyrs, it seems clear that the red granite base of the memorial hall represents the sacrifice of revolutionary martyrs. The modernist glass pyramid, which points ...
ding_tian_li_di z books.google.com
... Dingtianlidi yinghun chang cun: zhongguo zhu yin jun yin mian kangzhan shengli ji xin yijun guangzhou shouxiang 70 zhounian jinian te zhan zhanlan tu lu. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province, 2015. Tan, Xiong-fei and Ai ...
ding_tian_li_di z books.google.com
... (dingtianlidi nanziahan)'; 'always remember that a man should strive to perform immortal feats!'; 'fighting in the battlefield, like a man should!', and 'harden yourself in the military to become a courageous man!'. A few of these clips ...