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This volume surveys the current state of play in these and other areas of interest, including chemistry and biochemistry, immunology and cellular homeostasis.
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Abstract: A reference text for nutritionists, food scientists, and health professionals presents 33 authoritative overview papers on various aspects of aspartame and other sweeteners.
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This book summarizes the research that resulted in aspartame's approval as a food additive as well as related topics regarding its function as a potential sweetening agent.
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Abstract: This book relates the opinions and experiences of the author with aspartame.
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The topics covered in the book range from synthesis of small fluorinated molecules to peptides and macromolecules for crystal engineering. Substantial amount of data reviewed in the book have never been published.
dipeptydy z books.google.com
In addition to the 52 annotations, a summary is included which provides such details about aspartame as: characteristics and properties; estimated consumption levels; a background summary of the FDA Commissioner's decision on aspartame; and ...
dipeptydy z books.google.com
... dipeptydy i tripep- tydy są z łatwością przenoszone przez mikrokosmki do komórek nabłonkowych, gdzie w cytozolu dodatkowe peptydazy hydrolizują dipeptydy i tripeptydy do poje- dynczych aminokwasów, a te są następnie transporto- wane ...
dipeptydy z books.google.com
Courtney M. Townsend, Tadeusz Popiela. polipeptydy do tripeptydów, dipeptydów i pojedynczych aminokwasów. Aminokwasy ... dipeptydy i tripeptydy do pojedynczych aminokwasów, a te są następnie transportowane przez błonę podstawną do układu ...