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... Doctor Snuggles , was an animated television series for which two episodes were scripted by Adams and Lloyd . Doctor Snuggles was " a cross between Professor Branestawm and Dr Dolittle " and produced by a Dutch television company for ...
doctor snuggles z books.google.com
... DOCTOR DAN Comedy ( Pilot ) . The story of Dan Morgan , a Los Angeles- based child psychologist . In the pilot ... SNUGGLES Animated Cartoon . The story of Doctor Snuggles , an ingenious veterinarian who uses his fantastic inventions to ...
doctor snuggles z books.google.com
... DOCTOR SNUGGLES AND THE PEANUT SOLVING MACHINE Douglas Adams and John Lloyd . PART ONE The kitchen . Dr Snuggles is talking to Miss Nettles about the forth- coming birthday for eight of the mice . Miss Nettles is preparing eight ...
doctor snuggles z books.google.com
... Doctor. Snuggles. (Series; Cartoon; Syn.; 1981). The story ofDoctor Snuggles, an ingenious veterinarian who uses his fantastic inventions to help people and animals in distress. Voice Cast: Peter Ustinov (Doctor Snuggles), Owen Griffiths ...