Porada: Wyszukuj tylko w języku polskim. Język wyszukiwania możesz określić tutaj: Ustawienia
doksa z books.google.com
... doksa . Cattle continue grazing on the high pastures . A typical count at noon showed 31 on the steep slopes not far ... doksa ; also some female cattle whose calves remained at the doksa . Girls go out to gather the rest of the cattle ...
doksa z books.google.com
... doksa and cooks it for her doksa superman, after which the wedding night and honeymoon can begin. Doksi girls are obliged to breed four purebred children after a doksa marriage, to satisfy the supreme God of the doksa faith. By this it ...
doksa z books.google.com
... doksa, sophia, epist ̄em ̄e and phron ̄esis. Doksa, along the other derivatives of doke ̄o15, is probably, in terms of range, the broadest epistemic term used by Plato in his dialogues. In the Phaedo, it principally seems to be a ...
doksa z books.google.com
... doksa.2 During this time period, mainly women members of a household go to doksa along with domestic animals. Male members exercise farming in the village. During the doksa, they collect butter, cheese, hair, wool and dungs as stock ...
doksa z books.google.com
... Doksa . A doksa is a temporary shelter built by cattle herders in the mountains . Zanskari herders traditionally trek into the mountains with their livestock and spend several months caring for their animals . The Doksa tradition is ...
doksa z books.google.com
... doksa ' , all this fuel is taken down to village and stored either on the floor or in store room . Nutrients Cycle ... Doksa ' into villages is comparatively higher than the nutrients cycle to ' doksa ' . That is about 1880 kgs energy ...
doksa z books.google.com
... doksa tou legontos , muszą zawierać pe- wien element wspólny - zbliżony sens . Skoro zaś oznaczają zwykły , przyjęty sposób postępowania , to również dla doksa należy spodziewać się sensu zbliżo- nego do ethos , tj . obyczajów ...
doksa z books.google.com
... doksa (= objawienie mocy Boga) posługiwania Ducha, skoro dotychczasowe posługiwanie było obdarzone wielką chwałą ... doksa posługiwania Mojżesza do doksa posługiwania Pawła tylko na pierwszy rzut oka jest jasne i proste. Powstaje bowiem ...
doksa z books.google.com
... doksa tou legontos , muszą zawierać pe- rien element wspólny zbliżony sens . Skoro zaś oznaczają zwykły , przyjęty posób postępowania , to również dla doksa należy spodziewać się sensu zbliżo- ego do ethos , tj . obyczajów , charakteru ...
doksa z books.google.com
... DOKSA in the complex treatment of ulcers Sovet Med 31 ( 2 ) : 80-2 , 1968 ( Rus ) MECHANISM OF INTERACTION ( S ) Not stated Purpose : To determine the effect of the combination of a gangliolytic and DOKSA in ulcer treatment ...