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This book provides teens with DWI/DUI case terminology, discusses their legal rights and responsibilities, the legal process involved in a DWI/DUI charge, and what happens after a conviction.
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" This bestselling book tells you what you need to know regarding driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (driving while intoxicated); why DWI/DUI is a serious criminal charge; What could happen to you?
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This text is a guide to help people charged with DUI in Georgia get answers to their questions. It is written in plain language and here to help the reader understand what to do when charged with a DUI.
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In his new book, Michigan DUI Law: A Citizen's Guide, defense attorney Patrick T. Barone explains the law and offers drivers advice on how to avoid DUI arrest or conviction.
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With our brand new Oklahoma DUI Defense: The Law and Practice, though, you are equipped with a powerful weapon.This book ensures that you understand the chemical, biological, and technological concepts and issues underlying DUI prosecution ...
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This book is a must if you or a loved one has been charged with DUI.
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It can be daunting for someone to go through alone. Fortunately, you don't have to go through it alone. This book will serve as your quick reference guide to working through the process side by side with your attorney's office.
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Now you have the advantage with Utah DUI Defense: The Law and Practice. This text and supplementary DVD contains the most important information to help you attain a successful verdict.