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east horsley z books.google.com
This is a must read for students and scholars interested in British history and sociology.
east horsley z books.google.com
... East Horsley on the road between Epsom and Guildford , has Effingham on the east , West Horsley and Wisley on the west , Ockham and Cobham on the north , Shere and Abinger on the south . The manor was held 2 Eliz . by John Agmondesham ...
east horsley z books.google.com
... East Horsley . 24 V.C.H. Surr . i , 300 . 25 Plac . Abbrev . ( Rec . Com . ) , 118b . 26 Testa de Nevill ( Rec . Com . ) , 2204 . V.C.H. Surr . i , 300 . 28 Hist . of Surr . iii , 30 . 48 Feet of F.Surr.East . 13 Hen.III , no.69 . In ...
east horsley z books.google.com
... [ East Horsley ] " for the sustenance of the monks . In the time of king Edward it was assessed for 14 hides ; now for 3 hides and 1 virgates . The land is for 5 ploughs . In demesne there is I ; and ( there are ) 13 villeins and 6 ...
east horsley z books.google.com
... East Horsley , Com Surry , and Henry , his son , and John Chutt or Chult , of Routh , yeoman ; the above said Henry , and his son Henry , covenant to sell and convey the manor of Fitling , with its appur- tenances , before Hiliary term ...
east horsley z books.google.com
... East Horsley ( 5-24 ) ; keep straight on down the hill through Leatherhead , passing the Dorking road on l . , and ... ( East Horsley : Duke of Wellington . ) Before East Horsley , on r . , Horsley Towers , the residence of the Earl of ...
east horsley z books.google.com
... Horsley , East ( East Horsley ) C. and E.P. Surrey Horsley , Long ( Long Horsley ) Ecc . P. Nthmb . Guildford R.D. Morpeth R.D. Rothbury R.D. Guildford 33 293 and Morpeth , Rothbury 564 , 569 652 Horsley Woodhouse Horsley , Long ( Long ...
east horsley z books.google.com
... East Horsley Park , the fine view N.E .; on a clear day the Crystal Palace is distinctly visible . 2 m . W. from Effingham is the pleasant village of East Horsley . The Church , some part of which is E. E. , was well restored in 1870 ...
east horsley z books.google.com
... East Clandon : - The road running West from Smallpox Hospital to West Clandon and Ripley Road , the road from Back ... Horsley , West Horsley and East Clandon : - The main Leatherhead and Guildford Road from Brockholes Cross to the ...