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Praca podejmuje problematykę ekonomii dobrobytu, a więc działu ekonomii zajmującego się próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jaki sposób maksymalizować efektywność ekonomiczną w wymiarze społecznym.
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Discusses whether the Basic Income Guarantee could offer an alternative to both laissez-faire and existing welfare systems in developed countries - often criticized by both advocates and critics of laissez-faire - thus opening a ...
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This book, first published in 1988, provides an overview of the diverse work that was being done in applied and theoretical environmental and resource economics.
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In this book the reader is provided with an overview of the most interesting ideas in Competitive General Equilibrium Theory as well as Welfare Economy.
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This book examines the implications of The General Theory of Second Best for analyzing the economic efficiency of non-government conduct or government policies in an economically efficient way.
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This book covers the main topics of welfare economics - general equilib rium models of exchange and production, Pareto optimality, externalities and public goods - and some of the major topic of social choice the ory - compensation criteria ...
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Written to honour the memory of J.C. Weldon, this collection of essays seeks to reflect Weldon's professional interest in economic history and theory, including their relevance to social and political problems.