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In this work, Jane Mansbridge's fresh insights uncover a significant democratic irony - the development of self-defeating, contradictory forces within a democratic movement in the course of its struggle to promote its version of the common ...
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This book, introduced by one of our foremost historians, communicates the passionate spirit of a tempestuous age, an era of reform unlike any other in our history.
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The book tracks the emergence of a new generation of intellectuals who made culture the essential terrain of social and political action and who framed a new set of arguments and debates—over women’s roles, sex, mass culture, the ...
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By examining the fate of the ERA in one key state, this book brilliantly illuminates the ways in which women have responded to feminism. Opponents, the authors show, made equality for women seem dangerous, even for women themselves.
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The Divided Era lays out the case for smaller government, more responsive political leadership, and ultimately a more cohesive citizenry.
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... Era and Nickel Magazine ...... Our Club Price $ 1.75 For all three $ 1.00 THREE SPECIAL OFFERS The Era and Cosmopolitan ( or Leslie's ) ... 1.25 $ 2.25 The Era ......... Leslie's Monthly ....... I yr . Cosmopolitan ........... I yr ...
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... Era Wodnika. Nasza Era Wodnika. W tej samej chwili do jej uszu, gdzieś z głębokiego tła, niczym z innego wymiaru, innej rzeczywistości, dotarł dźwięk dzwonka telefonu. Spojrzała na wyświetlacz. Dzwonił Emil. – Tak? – Mam pewien plan ...
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That's how some may see it, at least. However, the truth is far from it. The American story started hundreds of years ago when it was a lowly European colony, far from the grandeur and magnificence the world associates with it today.
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THE MEDICAL ERA THE " ERA " STETHOSCOPE . COMBINED WITH THE MEDICAL COUNSELOR . TERMS : $ 2.00 PER ANNUM . Books , Exchanges , MSS . , Remittances , and all Cor- respondence should be sent to THE MEDICAL ERA , Ann Arbor , Mich ...